PIMFA response to consumer redress scheme for unsuitable advice to transfer out of the British Steel Pension SchemeJuneFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA calls for FCA to be given power to direct Ofcom to remove fraudulent content in Online Safety BillFCA
PIMFA’s response to FCA’s Call for Evidence on Improving the Appointed Representatives RegimeMarchFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA response to A New Consumer Duty – Feedback to CP21/3 and further consultationFebruaryFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to HM Treasury; Future Regulatory Framework Review Financial Services StrategyFebruaryHM TreasuryUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to FCA; DP 21/4: Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) and investment labelsJanuaryFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to FCA Consultation CP 21/28: New cancellation and variation power; Changes to the Handbook and Enforcement GuideOctoberFCAUK Regulation