PIMFA’s Response to FCA DP24/3: Pensions: Adapting our requirements for a changing marketFebruaryFCAUK RegulationFCA
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PIMFA Response to FCA CP24/2 Part 2; Greater transparency of our enforcement investigationsFebruaryFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA response: Financial Services Growth & Competitiveness StrategyJanuaryHM TreasuryUK RegulationHMT
PIMFA response to HMT Consultation on Improving the effectiveness of the ML RegulationsJuneHM TreasuryUK RegulationHMT
PIMFA Response to FCA CP24-7: Payment Optionality for Investment ResearchJuneHM TreasuryUK RegulationFCA
PIMFA written evidence to Home Affairs Committee Inquiry into FraudOctoberUK RegulationFinancial Crime
PIMFA’s response to HM Treasury Consultation on Reform of the AML/CTF Supervisory RegimeSeptemberHM TreasuryUK RegulationHMT
PIMFA Response to HM Treasury; Ban on Cold Calling for Consumer Financial Services and Products – Consultation and Call for EvidenceSeptemberHM TreasuryUK RegulationHMT
PIMFA’s response to FCA PS23/7; Broadening retail access to the long-term asset fundAugustFCAUK RegulationFCA
PIMFA response to Financial Services Regulation – Measuring Success – Call for ProposalsJanuaryHM TreasuryUK RegulationHMT
PIMFA Response to HMT UK Investment Research Review: Call for EvidenceJuneHM TreasuryUK RegulationHMT
PIMFA response to HMT Senior Managers & Certification Regime: Call for EvidenceMayHM TreasuryUK RegulationHMT
PIMFA response to CP22/24 Broadening access to financial advice for mainstream investmentsFebruaryFCAUK RegulationFCA
PIMFA response to HMT Consultation VAT treatment of Fund Management 020223FebruaryHM TreasuryUK RegulationHMT
PIMFA’s response to FCA CP 22/20: Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) and investment labelsJanuaryFCAUK RegulationFCA
PIMFA’s response to FCA CP22-19: Creation of a baseline financial resilience regulatory returnNovemberUK RegulationFCA
PIMFA’s response to FCA; CP22/14: Broadening retail access to the long-term asset fundOctoberFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA response to A New Consumer Duty – Feedback to CP21/3 and further consultationFebruaryFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to HM Treasury; Future Regulatory Framework Review Financial Services StrategyFebruaryHM TreasuryUK Regulation
PIMFA response to HM Treasury Call for Evidence on the Economic Crime Levy legislative consultationOctoberHM TreasuryUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to HM Treasury’s consultation on Amendments to the Money Laundering Regulations 2017OctoberHM TreasuryUK Regulation
PIMFA’s Response to HM Treasury Consultation on the Wholesale Markets ReviewSeptemberHM TreasuryUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to the Joint Committee on Draft Online Safety BillSeptemberHouse of CommonsUK RegulationFinancial Crime
PIMFA’s response to HMT; Consultation on Implementation of Investment Firm Prudential Regime Basel 3 standardsMarchHM TreasuryUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to FCA;CP20/24 A new UK Prudential Regime for MIFID investment firmsFebruaryFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to CP20/24 – A new UK Prudential regime for MIFID investment firmsFebruaryFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to FCA CP20/22; Regulatory Fees and Levies: policy proposals for 2021/2022JanuaryFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to FCA: Call for Input on the Consumer Investment MarketDecemberFCAUK RegulationFCA
PIMFA response to FCA CP20/15; Liquidity mismatch in authorised open-ended property fundsNovemberFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA response to HM Treasury: Regulatory Framework for the Approval of Financial PromotionsOctoberHM TreasuryUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to HM Treasury; Consultation on the Economic Crime LevyOctoberHM TreasuryUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to HM Treasury; Consultation on expanding the Dormant Assets schemeJulyHM TreasuryUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to the European Commission; Consultation on the review of MiFID II/MiFIRMayEuropean CommissionEU regulation
PIMFA’s response to Charity Commission; Consultation on how charities approach investing in line with their purpose and valuesAprilCharity CommissionUK Regulation
PIMFA’s Response to ICO; Consultation on a Direct Marketing CodeMarchInformation Commissioner's OfficeUK Regulation
PIMFA response to the ICO consultation on their draft right of access guidanceFebruaryInformation Commissioner's OfficeUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to ESMA; Consultation on the Markets Abuse Regulation (MAR) ReviewDecemberESMAEU regulation
PIMFA response to Pension transfer advice: contingent charging and other proposed changesOctoberUK RegulationFCA
PIMFA’s response to CP19/20 FCA ‘Our Framework – Assessing Adequate Financial Resources’SeptemberFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to Treasury Select Committee on the Decarbonisation of the UK Economy and Green Finance inquiryAugustHM TreasuryUK Regulation
PIMFA’s Response to the BEIS’s Open Consultation on Corporate Transparency and Register ReformAugustDepartment for Business, Energy & Industrial StrategyUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to HM Treasury’s consultation on the Transposition of the Fifth Money Laundering DirectiveJuneHM TreasuryUK Regulation
ESMA – Integrating Sustainability Risks and Factors in MIFID IIFebruaryESMAUK RegulationEU regulation
PIMFA’s response to DWP; Pensions Dashboards: Working together for the consumerJanuaryDWPUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to ICO; Call for views on a direct marketing code of practiceDecemberInformation Commissioner's OfficeUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to HM Treasury; Treasury Committee’s inquiry into consumers’ access to financial servicesDecemberHM TreasuryUK Regulation
PIMFA response to ESAs’ Joint Consultation Paper concerning amendments to the PRIIPs KIDNovemberEIOPAESMAEuropean Banking AuthorityEU regulation
PIMFA’s Response to FCA: Call for Input: PRIIPs Regulation – addendum to the PIMFA ResponseOctoberFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA’s Response to the Law Commission’s Consultation Paper No 236 Anti Money laundering – the SARs RegimeOctoberLaw CommisionUK RegulationFinancial Crime
PIMFA’s response to FCA: MS17/1.2 : Investment Platforms Market Study – Interim ReportSeptemberFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA feedback to the European Commission Sustainable Finance Initiative – Proposal for a regulation on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment and Proposal for a regulation on disclosures relating to sustainable investments and sustainability risksSeptemberEuropean CommissionEU regulation
PIMFA response to Retirement Outcomes Review: Proposed changes to our rules and guidanceSeptemberFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA’s reponse to ICO Call for Views on updating the Data Sharing Code of PracticeSeptemberInformation Commissioner's OfficeUK Regulation
PIMFA responds to Work and Pensions Select Committee inquiry into pension cost transparencySeptemberDWPHouse of CommonsUK Regulation
PIMFA Response to the European Commission consultation Sustainable Finance Initiative – MiFID II suitability requirementsJuneEuropean CommissionEU regulation
PIMFA Response to EU consultation on amendments to Shareholder Rights Directive 8 May 18MayEuropean ParliamentEU regulation
PIMFA’s response to House of Lords EU Select Committee’s Post-Brexit EU-UK relations inquiryMayHouse of LordsUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to European Commission proposal on the prudential requirements of Investment firmsMarchEuropean CommissionEU regulation
PIMFA response to CP 17 40 Transitioning FCA firms and individuals to the SMCRFebruaryFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA response House of Commons Treasury Committee – the UK’s economic relationship with the EU (part II)JanuaryHouse of CommonsUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to House of Commons Treasury Committee; TSC Women in Finance InquiryFebruaryHouse of CommonsUK Regulation
PIMFA response to the Work and Pensions Select Committee Inquiry into Collective Defined ContributionJanuaryHouse of CommonsUK Regulation
Personal Data Breach Notification & Automated Individual Decision Making & ProfilingNovemberArt. 29 Working PartyEU regulationData Protection
EU Working Party 29 Breach Notification & ProfilingNovemberArt. 29 Working PartyUK RegulationEU regulation
European Banking Authority – Discussion Paper on FintechNovemberEuropean Banking AuthorityEU regulation
GC17-21 Proposal to Create New Listing Category for Sovereign Controlled CompaniesOctoberFCAUK RegulationEU regulation
01.10.17 PIMFA response to EEA Workers in the UK Labour MarketOctoberMigration Advisory CommitteeUK RegulationEU regulation
CP17-18 Implementing Asset Management Market Study Remedies & Handbook Chapter 4SeptemberFCAUK Regulation
Inquiry into Financial Regulation & Supervision Following BrexitSeptemberHouse of LordsUK Regulation
CP17-5 – Reforming the Availability of Information in the UK Equity IPO ProcessJuneFCAOperations and Tax
Consultation on the Guidelines on Data Protection Impact AssesmentMayArt. 29 Working PartyEU regulation
Art. 29 Working Party – Consultation on the Guidelines on Data Protection Impact AssesmentMayArt. 29 Working PartyUK Regulation
Profiling and Automated Decision MakingAprilInformation Commissioner's OfficeUK RegulationData Protection
GC17-2 Treatment of Politically Exposed Persons under Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing & Transfer of Funds RegulationsAprilFCAUK RegulationEU regulation
General Data Protection Consent GuidanceMarchInformation Commissioner's OfficeUK RegulationData Protection
BEIS Green Paper – Corporate Governance ReformFebruaryDepartment for Business, Energy & Industrial StrategyUK RegulationOperations and Tax
Designing a New Prudential Regime for Investment FirmsFebruaryEuropean Banking AuthorityUK Regulation
PIMFA Response to FCA CP24/2 Part 2; Greater transparency of our enforcement investigationsFebruaryFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA response: Financial Services Growth & Competitiveness StrategyJanuaryHM TreasuryUK RegulationHMT
PIMFA response to HMT Consultation on Improving the effectiveness of the ML RegulationsJuneHM TreasuryUK RegulationHMT
PIMFA Response to FCA CP24-7: Payment Optionality for Investment ResearchJuneHM TreasuryUK RegulationFCA
PIMFA written evidence to Home Affairs Committee Inquiry into FraudOctoberUK RegulationFinancial Crime
PIMFA’s response to HM Treasury Consultation on Reform of the AML/CTF Supervisory RegimeSeptemberHM TreasuryUK RegulationHMT
PIMFA Response to HM Treasury; Ban on Cold Calling for Consumer Financial Services and Products – Consultation and Call for EvidenceSeptemberHM TreasuryUK RegulationHMT
PIMFA’s response to FCA PS23/7; Broadening retail access to the long-term asset fundAugustFCAUK RegulationFCA
PIMFA response to Financial Services Regulation – Measuring Success – Call for ProposalsJanuaryHM TreasuryUK RegulationHMT
PIMFA Response to HMT UK Investment Research Review: Call for EvidenceJuneHM TreasuryUK RegulationHMT
PIMFA response to HMT Senior Managers & Certification Regime: Call for EvidenceMayHM TreasuryUK RegulationHMT
PIMFA response to CP22/24 Broadening access to financial advice for mainstream investmentsFebruaryFCAUK RegulationFCA
PIMFA response to HMT Consultation VAT treatment of Fund Management 020223FebruaryHM TreasuryUK RegulationHMT
PIMFA’s response to FCA CP 22/20: Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) and investment labelsJanuaryFCAUK RegulationFCA
PIMFA’s response to FCA CP22-19: Creation of a baseline financial resilience regulatory returnNovemberUK RegulationFCA
PIMFA’s response to FCA; CP22/14: Broadening retail access to the long-term asset fundOctoberFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA response to A New Consumer Duty – Feedback to CP21/3 and further consultationFebruaryFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to HM Treasury; Future Regulatory Framework Review Financial Services StrategyFebruaryHM TreasuryUK Regulation
PIMFA response to HM Treasury Call for Evidence on the Economic Crime Levy legislative consultationOctoberHM TreasuryUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to HM Treasury’s consultation on Amendments to the Money Laundering Regulations 2017OctoberHM TreasuryUK Regulation
PIMFA’s Response to HM Treasury Consultation on the Wholesale Markets ReviewSeptemberHM TreasuryUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to the Joint Committee on Draft Online Safety BillSeptemberHouse of CommonsUK RegulationFinancial Crime
PIMFA’s response to HMT; Consultation on Implementation of Investment Firm Prudential Regime Basel 3 standardsMarchHM TreasuryUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to FCA;CP20/24 A new UK Prudential Regime for MIFID investment firmsFebruaryFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to CP20/24 – A new UK Prudential regime for MIFID investment firmsFebruaryFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to FCA CP20/22; Regulatory Fees and Levies: policy proposals for 2021/2022JanuaryFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to FCA: Call for Input on the Consumer Investment MarketDecemberFCAUK RegulationFCA
PIMFA response to FCA CP20/15; Liquidity mismatch in authorised open-ended property fundsNovemberFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA response to HM Treasury: Regulatory Framework for the Approval of Financial PromotionsOctoberHM TreasuryUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to HM Treasury; Consultation on the Economic Crime LevyOctoberHM TreasuryUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to HM Treasury; Consultation on expanding the Dormant Assets schemeJulyHM TreasuryUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to the European Commission; Consultation on the review of MiFID II/MiFIRMayEuropean CommissionEU regulation
PIMFA’s response to Charity Commission; Consultation on how charities approach investing in line with their purpose and valuesAprilCharity CommissionUK Regulation
PIMFA’s Response to ICO; Consultation on a Direct Marketing CodeMarchInformation Commissioner's OfficeUK Regulation
PIMFA response to the ICO consultation on their draft right of access guidanceFebruaryInformation Commissioner's OfficeUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to ESMA; Consultation on the Markets Abuse Regulation (MAR) ReviewDecemberESMAEU regulation
PIMFA response to Pension transfer advice: contingent charging and other proposed changesOctoberUK RegulationFCA
PIMFA’s response to CP19/20 FCA ‘Our Framework – Assessing Adequate Financial Resources’SeptemberFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to Treasury Select Committee on the Decarbonisation of the UK Economy and Green Finance inquiryAugustHM TreasuryUK Regulation
PIMFA’s Response to the BEIS’s Open Consultation on Corporate Transparency and Register ReformAugustDepartment for Business, Energy & Industrial StrategyUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to HM Treasury’s consultation on the Transposition of the Fifth Money Laundering DirectiveJuneHM TreasuryUK Regulation
ESMA – Integrating Sustainability Risks and Factors in MIFID IIFebruaryESMAUK RegulationEU regulation
PIMFA’s response to DWP; Pensions Dashboards: Working together for the consumerJanuaryDWPUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to ICO; Call for views on a direct marketing code of practiceDecemberInformation Commissioner's OfficeUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to HM Treasury; Treasury Committee’s inquiry into consumers’ access to financial servicesDecemberHM TreasuryUK Regulation
PIMFA response to ESAs’ Joint Consultation Paper concerning amendments to the PRIIPs KIDNovemberEIOPAESMAEuropean Banking AuthorityEU regulation
PIMFA’s Response to FCA: Call for Input: PRIIPs Regulation – addendum to the PIMFA ResponseOctoberFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA’s Response to the Law Commission’s Consultation Paper No 236 Anti Money laundering – the SARs RegimeOctoberLaw CommisionUK RegulationFinancial Crime
PIMFA’s response to FCA: MS17/1.2 : Investment Platforms Market Study – Interim ReportSeptemberFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA feedback to the European Commission Sustainable Finance Initiative – Proposal for a regulation on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment and Proposal for a regulation on disclosures relating to sustainable investments and sustainability risksSeptemberEuropean CommissionEU regulation
PIMFA response to Retirement Outcomes Review: Proposed changes to our rules and guidanceSeptemberFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA’s reponse to ICO Call for Views on updating the Data Sharing Code of PracticeSeptemberInformation Commissioner's OfficeUK Regulation
PIMFA responds to Work and Pensions Select Committee inquiry into pension cost transparencySeptemberDWPHouse of CommonsUK Regulation
PIMFA Response to the European Commission consultation Sustainable Finance Initiative – MiFID II suitability requirementsJuneEuropean CommissionEU regulation
PIMFA Response to EU consultation on amendments to Shareholder Rights Directive 8 May 18MayEuropean ParliamentEU regulation
PIMFA’s response to House of Lords EU Select Committee’s Post-Brexit EU-UK relations inquiryMayHouse of LordsUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to European Commission proposal on the prudential requirements of Investment firmsMarchEuropean CommissionEU regulation
PIMFA response to CP 17 40 Transitioning FCA firms and individuals to the SMCRFebruaryFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA response House of Commons Treasury Committee – the UK’s economic relationship with the EU (part II)JanuaryHouse of CommonsUK Regulation
PIMFA’s response to House of Commons Treasury Committee; TSC Women in Finance InquiryFebruaryHouse of CommonsUK Regulation
PIMFA response to the Work and Pensions Select Committee Inquiry into Collective Defined ContributionJanuaryHouse of CommonsUK Regulation
Personal Data Breach Notification & Automated Individual Decision Making & ProfilingNovemberArt. 29 Working PartyEU regulationData Protection
EU Working Party 29 Breach Notification & ProfilingNovemberArt. 29 Working PartyUK RegulationEU regulation
European Banking Authority – Discussion Paper on FintechNovemberEuropean Banking AuthorityEU regulation
GC17-21 Proposal to Create New Listing Category for Sovereign Controlled CompaniesOctoberFCAUK RegulationEU regulation
01.10.17 PIMFA response to EEA Workers in the UK Labour MarketOctoberMigration Advisory CommitteeUK RegulationEU regulation
CP17-18 Implementing Asset Management Market Study Remedies & Handbook Chapter 4SeptemberFCAUK Regulation
Inquiry into Financial Regulation & Supervision Following BrexitSeptemberHouse of LordsUK Regulation
CP17-5 – Reforming the Availability of Information in the UK Equity IPO ProcessJuneFCAOperations and Tax
Consultation on the Guidelines on Data Protection Impact AssesmentMayArt. 29 Working PartyEU regulation
Art. 29 Working Party – Consultation on the Guidelines on Data Protection Impact AssesmentMayArt. 29 Working PartyUK Regulation
Profiling and Automated Decision MakingAprilInformation Commissioner's OfficeUK RegulationData Protection
GC17-2 Treatment of Politically Exposed Persons under Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing & Transfer of Funds RegulationsAprilFCAUK RegulationEU regulation
General Data Protection Consent GuidanceMarchInformation Commissioner's OfficeUK RegulationData Protection
BEIS Green Paper – Corporate Governance ReformFebruaryDepartment for Business, Energy & Industrial StrategyUK RegulationOperations and Tax
Designing a New Prudential Regime for Investment FirmsFebruaryEuropean Banking AuthorityUK Regulation