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PIMFA response to FCA PRA DP23/3: Review of the Senior Managers and Certification RegimeMayFCAUK RegulationFCA
PIMFA’s response to FCA DP20/2: A new UK Prudential regime for MIFID investment firmsSeptemberFCAUK RegulationFCA
PIMFA’s response to FCA DP18/8: Climate Change and Green Finance Discussion PaperJanuaryFCAUK Regulation
PIMFA response to FCA PRA DP23/3: Review of the Senior Managers and Certification RegimeMayFCAUK RegulationFCA
PIMFA’s response to FCA DP20/2: A new UK Prudential regime for MIFID investment firmsSeptemberFCAUK RegulationFCA
PIMFA’s response to FCA DP18/8: Climate Change and Green Finance Discussion PaperJanuaryFCAUK Regulation