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Customer vulnerability is a complex area that PIMFA member firms must get right. Ultimately, it is about identifying customers with vulnerable characteristics and ensuring they consistently experience good outcomes. That’s not as easy as it sounds, especially when The FCA has made clear that it will apply a vulnerability lens to its ongoing supervisory and enforcement work.
This live tutor-led training course delivered by vulnerability experts at the Money Advice Trust, based on PIMFA’s recently published 160-page guide, “Understanding Customer Vulnerability”, supports wealth managers and financial advisors who want to improve how they can:
- Embed a focus on vulnerability into their strategy and culture.
- Ensure they are asking the right questions about the data, management information, and data they need to deliver the right outcomes and experiences for customer vulnerability.
- Account for customer vulnerability in product and service design.
- Actively monitor customer behaviour and consider potential vulnerability in customer interactions.
- Support and enable customers with characteristics of vulnerability to disclose their needs.
- Capturing and retrieving information about vulnerability during subsequent customer interactions
By enrolling on this course, you’ll be able to answer with confidence the following questions:
- How do you identify customer vulnerability, and what criteria do you use for this assessment?
- What specific support mechanisms are in place to assist customer vulnerability throughout their interaction with your firm?
- How do you tailor and test communication strategies to ensure that customers with vulnerable characteristics understand the products and services offered?
- Are your services and communications accessible to all customers, including those with disabilities or other barriers?
- How do you monitor the effectiveness of your support for customer vulnerability, and what metrics do you use?
- What procedures do you have in place for escalating the needs of customers with characteristics of vulnerability to senior management or specialised teams?
- How do you ensure that products and services offered to customers with vulnerable characteristics appropriately meet their needs?
Who Should Attend:
- SMF holders who require the knowledge and understanding to promote a culture of awareness and responsiveness to vulnerable clients in line with current and future FCA expectations.
- Sales & Marketing Directors tasked with ensuring that the firm’s financial promotions and customer communications don’t exploit vulnerable consumers.
- Compliance and Risk leaders that want a proven framework to better recognise, assess, and manage potential risks related to customers with characteristics of vulnerability .
- Regulatory risk professionals and in-house counsel who, having identified evidence of consumer harm or risk of harm to customers in vulnerable circumstances, need to develop a remediation strategy to avoid assertive supervisory and enforcement action.
- Internal auditors who wanting to ‘up their firm’s game’ seek to ensure effective monitoring and reporting mechanisms are in place to track how the firm identifies and serves customer vulnerability, evaluating both the processes and the outcomes.
Offer: Bring your colleague along for free – please enter code 6JZWEFP5 at checkout.
More about Zoe Medlock
Zoe Medlock
Zoe Medlock is an expert in consumer vulnerability strategy and implementation. With over ten years’ experience in the sector, Zoe now works with the Money Advice Trust team to help firms improve their approach to customer vulnerability.
This includes assessing firms against the FCA’s evolving expectations and developing and delivering colleague training. Prior to joining the Money Advice Trust Team Zoe was most recently responsible for implementing Barclays’ vulnerability strategy.
Zoe specialises in mental health and, as well as working with the Money Advice Trust, she also supports the Money and Mental Health Policy Institute to assess firms against their Mental Health Accessible Standard.
More about Colin Trend
Colin Trend has a wealth of experience in the finance and debt sector; from private, public and voluntary sector roles. He has tutored with the Money Advice Trust since 2007 and works directly with many other firms. Colin is the lead tutor with the Money Advice Trust on their vulnerability programme, assisting both in the UK and overseas. In addition to the publications above, with Chris Fitch, he co-authored the Trust’s vulnerability guidance for advice agencies, launched by the charity with the backing of a range of organisations across the advice sector in June 2016.