Head Office

Address 49 Dawson StreetDublin 2D02 PY05

Service Types

Discretionary ServicesAdvisory Portfolio ManagementComprehensive Financial PlanningExecution Only Services

Investment Types

Contracts for DifferenceExchange Traded FundsISAsSelf-Invested Personal Pension

Firm Overview

Established in 1926, Davy is Ireland’s leading provider of stockbroking, wealth management, asset management and financial advisory services. Employing over 460 people, we offer a broad range of services to private clients, small businesses, corporations and institutional investors, and organise our activities around five interrelated business areas - Asset Management, Capital Markets, Corporate Finance, Private Clients and Research.


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1 Dockgate Dock Road Galway H91 K205 03539 1530520
49 Dawson Street Dublin 2 D02 PY05
Hibernian House 80A South Mall Cork T12 ACR
6th Floor Gresham St.Paul's 45 Gresham Street London EC2V 7EH +44-207-448-8871
Donegall House 7 Donegall Square North Belfast BT1 5GB