PIMFA Bulletin, the latest industry news impacting you and your firm including; PIMFA partners with financial services trade associations in letter to Chancellor opposing FCA enforcement proposals; PIMFA Regulatory Forum; Extending the Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) regime to Portfolio Management (CP24/8); FCA publishes Big Tech and AI updates; FCA CP24/9: Financial Crime Updates; FCA Chief Executive: response to the Government’s White Paper on Artificial Intelligence (AI); FCA’s new Form A; FCA: Appointed Representatives (credit brokering) – good practice and areas for improvement; Financial Services Skills Commission (FSSC) publishes its 3rd Future Skills report; Accelerated Settlement Taskforce Report – UK T+1 settlement; FCA: Complaints data; House of Lords Financial Services Regulation Committee: Financial Conduct Authority’s enforcement proposals; FCA confirms anti-greenwashing guidance; PIMFA Press Releases & Coverage; CASS ARCHITECTURE: KNOWING WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW; PIMFA FINANCIAL CRIME CONFERENCE
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