6 March 2024


PIMFA raises concerns about appetite for British ISA


PIMFA, the trade association for wealth management, investment services and the financial advice and planning industry, has responded today (6 March 2024) to the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s proposal to introduce a British ISA limited to investing in British companies in today’s Budget, raising concerns that there will be little appetite for yet another ISA.


Simon Harrington, Head of Public Affairs at PIMFA, comments: “While we strongly believe in the principle that retail investors can and should be encouraged to play a positive role in supporting UK businesses with private capital, it is not immediately clear to us that the British ISA represents anything more than a policy announcement in search of a headline.


“We see very little appetite to offer such a wrapper while the operational burden, which this would place on firms suggests that even if appetite were there it seems unlikely that firms would want to offer it.


“If the Government is really committed to reviving retail investment in UK PLC we would suggest simpler measures like a reduction or abolition of Stamp Duty on share purchases rather than the introduction of yet another ISA into the market”. 




About PIMFA – the Personal Investment Management & Financial Advice Association

  • PIMFA is the trade association for firms that provide wealth management, investment services and the investment and financial advice to everyone from individuals and families to charities, pension funds, trusts and companies.
  • The sector currently looks after £1.65 trillion in private savings and investments and employs over 63,000 people.
  • PIMFA represents both full and associate member firms. Full members provide a range of financial solutions including financial advice, portfolio management, as well as investment and execution services. They assist everyone from individuals and families to charities and pension funds, all the way to trusts and companies.  Associate members provide professional services to the PIMFA community.
  • PIMFA  leads the debate on policy and regulatory recommendations to ensure that the UK remains a global centre of excellence in the wealth management, investment advice and financial planning arena. Our mission is to create an optimal operating environment so that its member firms can focus on delivering the best service to clients, providing responsible stewardship for their long-term savings and investments.
  • PIMFA has made numerous recommendations to the FCA regarding the Future of Advice, the Future of Supervision and the FSCS levy – read more.
  • PIMFA was created in 2017 as the outcome of a merger between the Association of Professional Financial Advisers (APFA) and the Wealth Management Association (WMA) with a history as a trade association since 1991 – read more.
  • Find out more about PIMFA’s Diversity and Inclusion work – read more
  • Further information can be found at pimfa.co.uk


For further information on this release or other press matters please contact:

Matthew West, PIMFA PR Manager – MatthewW@pimfa.co.uk, +44 (0)20 7382 0376 .

Sheena Gillett, PIMFA Communications & PR Director – sheenag@pimfa.co.uk, +44 (0)20 7011 9869.